Radford Live Zumba Classes Restarting 17th September

I have some exciting news!

Starting Friday, 17th September, our live Zumba classes at Radford Semele will be restarting!
It’s time to get back to it and experience the full atmosphere of dancing in a room with friends, disco lights and of course the witty banter from the instructor 😉

Bookings are now open so be sure to snag your place as spaces are still limited due to Covid precautions. Please make sure you read all of the guidelines in this document which you can read here.

I am still navigating these changing times so ask for your patience as we work our way back to “normality”. 

PLEASE NOTE: I request that masks are worn upon entry, removed for class then replaced to leave. Thank you. 

I am aware that many of you are also keen to get back to our other higher impact classes in a live setting, I am too! Please bear with me as I gauge when it seems safe and financially viable to do this. As you can appreciate I have to make sure the venue and running costs are covered by the number of people I’m allowed to have in the session. I will keep you apprised of any updates! I look forward to seeing you in the flesh soon!