Guided Meditations Available For Stress & Acceptance

I’ve recently released a couple of brand new guided meditations which you might like to try.

The first one uses a “cute” snow globe visualisation to help reduce stress. I thought, what with all the Christmas goodies now available in the shops, now would be a good time to start the snow theme!

Guided Meditation for Stress

If you’re feeling any kind of negative emotions, this meditation can help you overcome those and feel better. You can use this technique any time you feel anxious, panicky or fearful.

The other one I wanted to show you today is based around the theme of Acceptance. Or letting go if you look at it from the angle.

Many times, when we feel hurt, betrayed, rejected, or dissatisfied with something in our lives, it’s often the way we react to the situation that causes the most pain and suffering. By learning to accept things- this doesn’t mean forgive or condone – but by accepting things for what they are, or as they are, we can shift our mindset to a more positive, and healthy one. We can re-claim our own power by changing the way we react to adversity and this can have an enormous impact on our enjoyment of life as well as our mental health.

Guided Meditation for Acceptance

What would you like to let go of? What is bothering you currently? When we can learn to accept and let go of resistance we can find peace and happiness in our lives.

I hope you enjoyed these meditations and don’t forget, there are lots more, all for free on my YouTube channel as well as relaxing music videos, meditation music and relaxing sounds to help you sleep better.

Check them all out at: