BODYBALANCE 100! Coming soon…

Yes, you read that right, BODYBALANCE 100 is just around the corner. That’s 25 whole years of this fabulous programme! I started on release #42 so I’ve been in just over half of that time and wow, that’s more than 12 years!

I’ve seen the programme evolve and change over the years, yet somehow it still feels like its old self, despite the innovation. There’s a lot less Sting and Enya than before, but in many ways, that’s a blessing. The good news is though that Sting makes a come back in this release, which is a lovely acknowledgement of the journey that he brought us on with his smooth tones.

There’s a lot to love about this landmark release, including some fresh sounds and delicious sequencing. I’m a huge fan of the Hip Openers this time around because it gets into corners of my hips that feel like they really need a deep release, and this delivers!

There’s no sneak peek video available at the moment, but I do have the track list for you which you can check out below. We’ll start to add in a few tracks here and there over the coming days and will launch the full thing early June.

BODYBALANCE 100 Track List

Come along and join us for the best gift you can give to your body. Classes are every Thursday in Leamington and starting June 5th, also in Cubbington. You can book a class here: